Sunday, October 9, 2011

243 bad stuffs to learn in National Service Part 1

Yes, the title says it all. Believe it or not, I m going to list out 243 things that one can learn in Singapore's National Service.

1. Vulgarity
I don't use vulgarity in before I enter NS. Now, I give spouting them out like some normal conversation. It's really a bad habit and I should really stop using them.

2. Smoking
I don't smoke but I do know people who don't but picked up smoking in the military.

3. The Blame Game
It's so common inside the military and someone just had to take full responsible of it.

4. "Do not apologize"
In the army, they give you the impression not to apologize. This is closely related to The Blame Game. Whoever apologize first will be condemned instead of forgiven.

5. Irrationallism
The term, simply said, the army do things without logical reasons.

6. Food wasting
And people in rural part of Africa is starving. Here we are, having foods that are cooked poorly and ended up in the trash, not in the stomach.

7. Do not think, just do.
Sadly, soldiers who are not officers are not allowed to question for reason. Closely related to Irrationallism. You think, you get punished. No wonder in Singapore University, boys are more stupid than the girls.

8. Backstabbing
Among the 'men', to be popular, you need to backstab. Those who backstab normally have a higher position in the army as compared to those who don't.

9. Pushing your own chores to others.
When you don't want to do it yourself, somebody have to do it for you. You can always be an asshole and kept on lazed around until someone do the things for you.

10. Torturing for self-entertainment
So some people have a higher rank and feels that they have the rights to give random punishment to make themselves happy.

11. Pushing the blame to someone who have lower rank.
Yes, us 'men' have the lowest rank. When the sergeants have pressures from the officers, some will push it to the 'men' to avoid trouble themselves. This had happened to me before.

12. Killing
Killing is bad even if that person is your enemy in the battle. However, we were told to kill. I will rather get killed than killing others. That's my moral, thou shalt not kill.

13. Giving empty promises
The military rather hears you giving empty promises than you saying you can't promise anything.

14. Breaking promises
This is closely related to giving empty promises. You had promise something you can't uphold, of course you will break it. Men will bitch about it but yet officer can instead punish them for bitching and never considered that he/she have broke promises.

15. Hypocrisy
And so someone who is earning 7k-8k per month told his men who is only earning 500-600 buck per month that "We are not mercenary army" Who is the mercenary here now?

16. Mercenary
Yes, I did mention high paid officer above. Most people who join are indeed after the money.

17. Being shameless
One example is the used us as guinea pigs to taste those poor quality SFI food. Yet they just mention that they provide us with free food and that they are great for doing so. These people who mentioned that knows deep down that those food suck.

18. Bullying
It's so immature but yet it's still happening amongst people who are already 18-21. These people who learn to bully will think that it's right to bully cause in the military, no one is punished for bullying others.

19. Abusing power
The military allows one to do that. Nobody is brave enough to question those who have the higher authority.

20. Doing a half-fucked jobs.
Nobody is willing to do a full job, so they just do half of it and make it seems like a full job. Most get away from it.

21. Do but don't get caught
This is a famous phrase used among 'men'. It just means you can do a shit job but make sure nobody is looking. People who followed this phrase went even further to commit petty crimes like stealing.

22. Rumor spreading
Just because you don't like a person, you can go around spreading false rumor on that person. Amazingly, these rumor are so exaggerating that people buys it.

23. Air polluting
You just have to do it for no reason. Starting vehicle engine is part of a daily routine. It's so lame and it pollutes the air.

24. Resource wasting
Starting engine for no reason do waste resource overtime. Meaningless training on vehicles that is going to breakdown waste resource too. But they have to do it to 'train' soldiers.

25. Jerks have more popularity
Those who been through the army will know. The bad guys who make fun of others tends to have more popularity then those who tries to be the good guy.

I will write the next 25 some times later when I have the time for it.

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